Saturday, October 6, 2012


Story Description: 
Thomas Nelson|October 9, 2012|Trade Paperback|ISBN: 978-1-4002-0437-3 
“I want you to know that if my illness inspired you to write these stories, the cancer was worth it.” – Deb 
What stories could possibly make cancer worth it? 
Stories that represent a miracle – a lifetime of miracles.  Stories that changed the writer as she wrote them and stories that will touch the heart of the reader, one by one by one.  Stories that are not just stories. 
They started out as words of encouragement to a dying woman.  They turned into a collection of sparkling and intimate moments, pulled from the past to finally be understood and shared with new meaning. 
Story by story, letter by letter, Margaret Terry uncovered powerful pictures in her own life of the one truth that could help carry her friend Deb from this life to the next: God is at work. 
Together, Deb and Margaret found renewed hope in all ways God shows up right to the very end.  Which is where they found the miracle they’d been praying for all along.  In each other. 
My Review:
Margaret Terry wrote 102 letters in six months to her friend Deb who was dying of cancer.  She said “I only saw her three times during those six months, but a lifetime passed between us that created a bond that defied time.”  Deb was fifty-five when she died and the letters that Margaret wrote to her kept her filled with hope and a message that God was always there.  Some of the letters were serious, others were comical, while others were meant as a lesson to be learned.  Margaret uncovered powerful pictures in her own life of the one truth that could help carry her friend Deb from this life to next: God is at work. 
Dear Deb is a beautiful testament to the bonds of friendship and what can happen when one friend chooses to step into another’s journey. 
"Book has been provided courtesy of Thomas Nelson and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.
Available at your favourite bookseller from Thomas Nelson

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