Saturday, December 24, 2011


Story Description: 

Life on Windmill Farm hasn’t been the same since Julia Lapp’s father has had trouble with his heart.  But that doesn’t stop Julia from hoping for a bright future.  She has planned on marrying Paul fisher since she was a girl.  Now twenty-one, she looks forward to their wedding with giddy anticipation.  But when Paul tells her he wants to postpone the wedding – again – she is determined to change his mind.  She knows who is to blame for Paul’s sudden reluctance to wed: the Bee Man. 

Roman Troyer, the Bee Man, travels through the Amish communities of Ohio and Pennsylvania with his hives full of bees, renting them out to farmers in need of pollinators.  A mysterious man who relishes his nomadic life, Roman especially enjoys bringing his bees to Stoney Ridge each year.  But with Julia seriously at odds with him, Windmill Farm is looking decidedly less appealing. 

Can Julia secure the future she’s always dreamed of?  Or does God have something else in mind?

My Review: 

I loved this story and fell in love with Julia, Roman and M.K. especially.  M.K. was quite a little curious imp who wasn’t backward at coming forward and always had her nose poked in somewhere.  Roman was somewhat of a nomad but had a kind heart but had been terribly hurt and was literally holding himself hostage through his grief.  Julia was an immensely strong young woman, she just didn’t realize it yet. 

The really lovely thing about this particular novel is that not only is it a great story but it deals with two very important issues.  One of which is organ donation and I encourage everyone to seriously think about this and if you’re ever in the position to help out in this way, I sincerely hope you’ll consider saving some other lives.  I highly recommend this book for everyone!

"Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.
Available at your favourite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group".

1 comment:

  1. Nice review, Louise. Books like this seem even more special around Christmas.
    I'm delighted that my own novel, "Splattere Blood' has just come out. I've worked on it so long. I've gotten my author's copies and have sold many but Amazon is taking pre-orders and will ship out later.
    Hope you're feeling well.
